Welcome to my blog. Thanks for being here.
I like to write a lot. Mostly about powerlifting, strength training, body image + women in sport. They’re kinda my things.
If you ever have questions or want to learn more, please reach out. I would love to hear from you.
Billie x

Post-Competition Reflection
Despite that fact that I compete in powerlifting very recreationally, I do take my preparation and performance quite (very) seriously. I really love powerlifting as an avenue of self improvement. While the objective goal is more weight on the bar, to me the more meaningful goal is becoming a better person in the pursuit of that — and that comes from self reflection and holding myself to a consistently high standard.
After each comp, I send my coach a debrief on everything I thought I did well, could do better, what went well, ideas I have, things I want to do for fun, etc. It’s positive for me personally in getting some closure on the day and identifying areas and means for improvement, but it also gives coachy guidance too. He knows where I want to go, what I’m willing and not willing to do to get there and demonstrates that I want to collaborate with him.
In this article I share here how I personally reflect on my competition preparation and performance in the hope that it may prompt some thought in you on how to get more out of your training and competition experiences.

Powerlifting - More Than Just Lifting Heavy Things?
Last Sunday, I competed in a powerlifting competition. It was the first time in a long time [over two years] for me. A whole bunch of my team came to watch which was incredibly beautiful. It was the first competition they had been to. When they rolled in the door for training on Monday morning, their energy was absolutely phenomenal. They had so many questions about the rules, the timer, why the lifters did certain things and so on. They were amped. But one comment really stuck with me.
“What a world! The competition really made me feel like I’m part of something. I can see my training becoming more of a hobby now.”
Fucking YES! That is exactly why I do it and exactly why I’m elated by the opportunity to rope everyone in that I can.
Training (or rather, exercising) in our culture is so often just seen as a reluctant but necessary means for weight loss or maintenance and oddly to a lesser extent, health. And with that comes the comments of “why are you here [at the gym]? You’re already in great shape” and associated dare I say, ignorance. But what if training was so much more than that — a means of self development, a personal challenge, a hobby, a place for social connection and self expression.