Welcome to my blog. Thanks for being here.
I like to write a lot. Mostly about powerlifting, strength training, body image + women in sport. They’re kinda my things.
If you ever have questions or want to learn more, please reach out. I would love to hear from you.
Billie x

Training & Long Term Travel
I received a message on Instagram the other day about navigating training and travel — specifically, navigating less predictable training set ups and the psychology around the fear of losing gains. Yes yes, hugely luxe problems. But certainly problems that can plague us when we have passions that are largely at odds.
I love training, I love routine, I love consistency, I love being in control. But I also like everything that opposes that — having no idea what I’m doing tomorrow, what hour I’ll get in tonight (tomorrow morning?), where I’ll sleep tonight. I’m willing to trade off on gains in order to enjoy this side of my personality, but certainly I am constantly engaged with ongoing problem solving to give me the best possible enjoyment of both of my loves.
In this article I talk about both the practical and the emotional aspects of training and long-term travel. I’ll offer personal experience and practical advice on how to best manage training while also letting your hair down af.

Life Trade Offs
Trade offs need to be discussed more, particularly so at this time of year when we’re evaluating our lives, setting goals, making changes for the year ahead. Your time and energy is finite. In order to do more of something, you have to do less of something else.
When I’ve spoken about trade offs previously, and realistically when anyone in health and fitness talks about trade offs, they do so through the lens of achieving some sort of health/fitness goal. If you want to lose weight, you need to trade off some take out meals. If you want to get stronger, you need to pass on some time with friends to spend more time in the gym, etc etc.
I want to talk about trade offs through an alternate lens. This is where I’m at in my life right now.

Training on Holiday
Whether or not to train on holidays is a decision that seems to plague a lot of people.
I personally have been on holidays where I’ve trained everyday. I’ve been on holidays where I’ve hiked everyday. I’ve been on holidays where everyone else has gone to the gym and I’ve been like '“yeah nah I’m not doing that.” I’ve been on holidays where I’ve done a bunch of incidental activity just exploring — and all options have been amazing because they have considered my unique circumstances at the time.
There are no hard and fast rules for training and eating while travelling. As with many questions regarding health and fitness, the answer to “should I train on holiday” is “it depends.” But to make that answer a little more useful for you, it largely depends on the factors that I explore in this article [among others] that I encourage you to unpack next time you find yourself asking the same question.