Powerlifting, Plant-Based Diets & Macro-Tracking: Tips for Women Who Want to Lift Heavy & Eat Less Meat!
I was recently invited for a virtual interview with The Strength Dietitian, Valentina Duong — someone whom I admire immensely. We spoke about (as the name suggests) powerlifting, plant-based diets and macro tracking. She asked me questions like:
What are some tips for individuals hoping to start a plant-based diet and also want to lift heavy?
Can a powerlifter be vegan?
Can you build muscle on a plant-based diet and is it more difficult than an omnivore diet?
In the powerlifting world, a lot of coaches and athletes consider macro-tracking essential for fat loss and performance. What are your thoughts on this?
What advice would you give someone hoping to transition away from macro-tracking?
What is your personal experience with macro tracking? Do you feel like it’s hurt or helped you?
And more…
You can read the full article on her website here: The Strength Dietitian Blog.
I hope you enjoy it as much as I did x